Smarterbook Shutdown Notice

📕 a better experience for McGraw Hill SmartBooks

Smarterbook Shutdown Notice

Q: Why can’t I find Smarterbook on the Chrome Web Store?

A: I recieved a cease and desist letter from McGraw Hill and was forced to remove the extension in two days or less..

Q: Why didn’t you fight the cease and desist in court?

A: This is the same law firm that represents Sony and Universal Music, and I am a college kid with a minimum wage job. I can’t afford legal fees even though I feel like I rightfully should not have to comply with their cease-and-desist letter.

Q: Why is Smarterbook no longer functioning on my computer?

A: After removing the extension from the Chrome Web Store, I was instructed that I had to remove all functionality from existing users. The only way to do this was to roll out an update that intentionally broke the extension.

Q: Will Smarterbook ever come back?

A: Almost certainly not. It was a side project I made in a single day, and I can’t afford any legal troubles that come with messing about with McGraw Hill.

Q: Do you make things other than Smarterbook?

A: Yes! I’ve made some pretty cool things on the Internet besides Smarterbook, and I’d love for you to keep up with me via my website.